Modern marriage certificates contain a great deal of information and this is what you will likely find included: Usually the couple would get a copy of their marriage certificate and another copy distributed to the local court. In the old days the civil officer or the church minister that conducted the marriage ceremony created these. This is a document which you are most likely to be familiar with. These bonds would be passed on to the records clerk for the location once the marriage ceremony had taken place. Sometimes the relatives of the bride would provide the bond or the groom himself would do this.
#Arthur michael compton la porte tx marriage license#
A marriage license would usually include a lot of details about the couple including the names and details of their parents and their occupations.Ī marriage bond is essentially a legal document that says a couple can marry. In some states a couple would need the permission of the authorities to get married. This was just another way to publically announce a marriage intention. Often you would see marriage bans inside or church or sometimes posted outside. Most of the time an announcement of an intention to marry was a local custom that usually occurred three weeks prior to the marriage ceremony taking place. The reason for this is that it provided the opportunity for other people to raise objections if they had any. In rare cases it was a legal requirement to announce an intended marriage. The couple that wanted to get married would announce this publically. There are records of marriage banns which are an intention of marriage.

There are a number of different types of marriage records and here are the most common ones: You need to know what you are looking for when searching for marriage records especially if you are going way back in time. These days marriage records exist in databases under the control of the state vital records office. Of course the information about a marriage varied from place to place and in many states it was not uncommon for a marriage record to exist in the county where the bride lived. There has been public access to marriage records for many years. Years ago a church would write a record of a marriage immediately following a ceremony as dictated by the laws of a state. You may be surprised to know that marriage records existed a long time before other personal information records did. There is often a wealth of information contained in marriage records. How You Can Find Marriage Records In The United States